About Us
The San Benito Housing Authority was established in 1950 and empowered with the responsibility to maintain the Public Housing Programs of the City of San Benito. The San Benito Housing Authority owns and manages 117 public housing units in San Benito.
In 1974 the Section 8 Program was established by the San Benito Housing Authority when it received its first Annual Contributions Contract under the Section 8 Existing Housing Assistance Payments Program. Today this Program is known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The objective to the San Benito Housing Authority is to provide housing to low-income families that is decent, safe, sanitary, and in good repair, on a continued basis.
San Benito Housing Authority offers the Public Housing Program and the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Public Housing
Property Owner – Housing Authority.
How Rent is Paid – To Housing Authority.
How to Apply – Applicants can apply at Housing Authority Office or online on our website.
Wait Time – Depends on the size of unit qualified for and the availability of units/size of units available.
Selection Process – When a unit becomes available the family at the top of the waitlist for that unit size will be offered the unit. If they decline the offer, the next family on the list will be offered the unit.
Voucher Program
Property Owner – Private Sector Landlord or Property Management Company.
How Rent is Paid – Tenants pay a portion of rent, based on income, to the Landlord or Property Management Company. Housing Authority pays the remaining portion of rent through Housing Assistance Payments.
How to Apply – Applicants apply at Housing Authority Office or online on our website.
Wait Time – Depends upon funding availability or number of vouchers available for lease.
Selection Process – Applicants are called from the waitlist to be issued a voucher in the order in which they applied.